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Friday, December 6, 2013

Let's get comfy ~ Jammie Review

I have to say jammies are one of my favorite things to buy for my little ones and well me too. Who doesn’t like a good pair of comfy soft jammies? I had the privilege of reviewing some wonderful organic jammies ($32) from Baby Essentials that I am really excited about. They are not only made from soft organic fabric but they are super cute too! I personally love the polka dots, but they come in a floral bird print as well. I was a bit nervous at first how the print would hold up in the wash as sometimes organic fabrics with prints can fade but I am happy to report the polka dots are as cute as ever.

As if the soft cuteness of the jammies were not enough, Baby Essentials uses organic cotton grown using sustainable farming practices AND they plant a tree with ever apparel purchase! So you can also feel great about your purchase. In addition to jammies they have dresses, blankets and potty training pants. 

These will make great Holiday gifts for your loved ones enter the code JAMMIES20 and receive 20% off your purchase! Happy shopping!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Austin OBGYN Opens in Style

I had the pleasure of touring a new OBGYN office, Riverplace OBGYN and meeting with the owner, Dr. John Thoppil. To say the practice is gorgeous is a gross understatement. Dr. Thoppil really pulled out all the stops to make his practice look and feel welcoming and glamorous all at the same time. He and his staff are very friendly, I can definitely see why they have won the Patients Choice Award the last three years. Another unique aspect of the practice you really don't see anymore is that Dr. Thoppil does all his own deliveries. For expecting parents this is incredibly comforting. You spend so much time with your OB, knowing that they will be there when you go into labor is one less thing to stress over. Although new to this part of town, Dr. Thoppil has been practicing for 8 years and 5 of those in the Austin/Cedar Park area. 

Now lets chat about this office. As you can see from the pictures from the wood work to the marble counters to the chandeliers, it's just beautiful. My favorite part outside of all the beauty of course is the personal touches, you can find Dr. Thoppil's family hanging in frames (including his adorable little one, so sweet!). Again glam and welcoming! 

The location is great! In Riverplace and nearby Steiner Ranch there are not many options in that area and there is definitely a need. If you are looking for an OBGYN I would highly recommend checking out Riverplace OBGYN. Visit their website for more information at

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Clean, organize, set-up repeat. Nesting will likely take over your mind during pregnancy at some point and it is nature’s way of helping you get everything done before baby comes, isn’t that so nice of nature?! Ok so you have piles of baby clothes in the Nursery, gifts in packaging from the Baby Shower and boxes of things that need to be put together. Oh and don’t forget everything needs to be clean and ready when baby comes home (ideally by 36 weeks). Ahhh! As a baby planner this is one of my favorite things to help with. Nothing better than the Momma-To-Be’s face when she walks into her organized, clean and ready to go nursery.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

~ Maternity Fashion ~

During pregnancy you may feel excited/scared/nervous about your growing bump and finding it hard to find something to wear. Everyone is different, some women pop out right away and others don’t show till the end. Either way you will notice your clothes fitting different or well not at all. The world of maternity clothes is a bit daunting because what’s out there is not cute or super expensive. Most women do not want to spend lots of money on a “temporary wardrobe” but here is the tough truth… it’s not that temporary. Many women wear their maternity clothes even after baby comes. I know, I know it would be great if your sweet little one would go ahead and take all that weight with them but they don’t. Now there may be that lucky few who just bounce right back but for most of us it will take some time. Just think, it took 9 months for your body to get there it will take some time for you to get back.  Additionally, if you plan to have more than one it’s smart to invest in some staples that you can use in the future.  OK on to the good news and encouragement! Go shopping! Have fun with it! Try things on, mix and match check out some blogs and find a style you like. Highlight your bump or for some highlight your new bust line. I personally fell into that ugggh I hate clothes attitude and now I have found so many cute styles and things for my clients and I wish I would have done that for myself (next pregnancy for sure!!) Here are some cute maternity blogs I have found. I am thinking I will make this a monthly blog post showing some cute mammas-to-be and their style. I know I wish I would have had this, but let me know your thoughts?

Maternity Style Blogs:

Let's Be Honest

The diaper dilemma! There are tons of options out there for diapers and finding the right one for you can be a test of, well let’s face it, how much poop you are willing to handle. At To Due Baby we will sit down and explore the options that best meet your family’s needs and preferences. One of the diapers I really love right now and you will see on the list are The Honest Co. diapers and here is why.
My first draw of course was how cute they were, but then I found out that they are eco-friendly (Our ultra absorbent, eco-friendly diapers are extra soft, hypoallergenic, free of chlorine processing & risky additives (like fragrances, lotions, and latex**from the Honest website)) and I was sold. I just had to try them. What? You get a free trial? Even better!! If you read the last post you know how I feel about samples haha. Okay so here is the next best thing, they hold A LOT. Now I have seen some websites dock them for this and I was surprised, but I think I figured out why. You have to stay a size ahead. If your little one is close to the top end of the weight range and the bottom of the next size, move up and you will save yourself the dreaded blow out cleaning session. Time for a little bad news, they are kind of pricey, but to be fair I can never use all the diapers they send me and you get the wipes too. They let you move your delivery/charge date back to whenever you need to so this stretches your dollar a bit more. Finally, they deliver to your door! Yes you don’t even have to leave, one less thing to add to your list of things To Due.

Dad 2 Dad

5 Tips for Expecting Dads 
~ from guest blogger and Dad of two ~
As a Dad-to-be you may not be the one going through the physical changes but you can be a supportive partner through these 5 easy tips. 
  1. Pick up the slack around the house
  2. Share in her excitement with all baby news and take the time to do some prep yourself (ie Daddy Bootcamps)
  3. Talk to the bump often
  4. Always tell her how beautiful she looks and come home with her cravings
  5. Attend as many if not all doctors visits

Austin Mom Event

After doing some research, I stumbled upon this great group here in Austin called MetroMoms. They put on great events like the one I attended this week, Must Haves from pregnancy to infancy. There were a ton of great products (I had to jot several new, cool looking items down to research... stay tuned for those...). I also saw many items, I too like and would recommend for baby registries. Everyone drew a number and you got to select an item to take home! I was lucky enough to pick up this awesome little carrier from Beco. Its ergonomic, eco-friendly and most importantly it’s really comfortable! The only downside I can see right now is that they are on the higher end of the price range for baby carriers.
Every guest also walked away with a nice little goodie bag with lots of little samples. I love sample size items because obviously it allows you to try new things before you buy the full size, saving you time and money (I know you are thinking, “who doesn't?”) but I especially love them for baby items because babies are so sensitive to new things so you want to really make sure whatever product you use doesn't cause your little one to have an allergic reaction. 
Speaking as both a Mom and Baby Planner, this was a great event. I am definitely adding this group and their events to my resource list for our expecting and new moms in the Austin area. 

Baby Planner?

Baby Planning? What is a Baby Planner? A Baby Planner provides personalized services to expecting families saving them time, money and most importantly helping ease some of the stress planning for baby(ies) can bring to parents. If any of you have walked into a Babies R Us / Buy Buy Baby recently you know how overwhelming it can be, there is so much out there who can possibly keep up? From walking through your baby registry to prepping the nursery to bringing baby home, To Due Baby Planning is helping Austin area families enjoy the journey to parenthood! Want to learn more? Visit our website and LIKE us on Facebook  

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Traveling Momma-To-Be

Having traveled during both my pregnancies for work, I learned a lot about the do's and don’ts of being a traveling Momma-To-Be. First and foremost always consult your prenatal provider before traveling to ensure it is safe. Then pack and travel in style and comfort. A great maternity maxi dress, light denim jacket and sandals are both cute and comfy. Plus dressing in layers helps give the needed flexibility for your ever-changing body temp. If you are headed on a lengthy trip don’t be tempted to find a seat while waiting for you plane, walk around the airport to get your circulation moving before being forced to sit for hours. Next, do stay hydrated. Dehydration is bad enough but a dehydrated Momma-To-Be is dangerous. Go ahead and grab the BIG water while you are picking up your Fit Pregnancy magazine in the airport news store. Then when on the plane ask the flight attendant to give you the whole can of water as opposed to just the small cup. If you prefer your water chilled ask for the cup with ice on the side. Yes drink this in addition to the water you purchased, your body will thank you. OK so you are probably thinking, great then I will have to use that small airplane bathroom. The truth is you will likely use it regardless so no use being thirsty too. This brings up another point, where to sit?  If you can and/or don’t mind sit on the outside seat so you can make your trips to the lavatory, but if you are set on the window just make friends with the people next to you since you will be getting up.  Finally don’t forget some snacks in your purse or grab some with your water, but make sure you have healthy snacks like fruit, nuts, crackers etc that will keep you going and settle your tummy. Safe travels!